Hi! I’m Moritz Heuberger, your neighbor here in Schöneberg. On Saturdays you can find me doing my weekly shopping at the Winterfeldtmarkt or jogging at Tempelhofer Feld. In my free time I love to be active and am a passionate filmgoer. Our district offers as much diversity as the people who live here—and precisely to be a voice for them, for you, I would like to be elected to the Bundestag.
In my current role working for the Federal Ministry of the Interior, I’m focused on bringing our city into the future. With my PhD in Public Administration, I know that Germany can be more digital. I would make this a focus of my work in the Bundestag.
My goal: A city for the people that is efficient, modern and unbureaucratic. LET’S GO!

We urgently need more affordable housing! With an effective rent freeze and a common sense tightening of the rental price brake (Mietpreisbremse) we can offer immediate help. With less bureaucracy and investment into social and community-building projects, we can secure an affordable home for everyone!
The climate crisis is here and affecting our poorest the hardest. Climate protections concern us all but don’t have to be a sacrifice. We can make everyone’s life easier—like securing the 49 Euro Ticket, combined with electricity price caps—while ensuring sustainable businesses prosper. Keeping 100% of Tempelhofer Feld free from development is also an action we can take in our own neighborhood.
Our social cohesion is in danger as a few own exponentially more while a large proportion of people suffer from low wages and poor working conditions. We need real taxation of the super-rich to tackle this injustice. Only by fixing this loophole can we create affordable housing, ensure socially just climate protection, and invest in a modern state, education and infrastructure.

We desperately need a modern state. I am committed to a digital administration that serves the people: no waiting times, no paper forms. Government benefits should run automatically—from student loans to parental allowance. Everything else should happen comfortably from your smartphone.
We can only grow closer when we meet together.
To foster social cohesion, we need public spaces such as renovated swimming pools and playgrounds, and neighborhood projects such as repair cafes and community gardens.
Broken bridges, dilapidated schools and an unreliable railway are slowing down our country. We must invest in education, infrastructure and green industry—and reform the outdated balanced budget amendment to do so!
The balanced budget amendment needs to be reformed! We must invest in schools and railways, climate protection and hospitals—in our future!

Successor to Renate Künast
For years I have been fighting for climate protections and an affordable cost of living. While parliamentary speaker for the Green Youth, I developed my simple political philosophy: Listen, find solutions and tackle them!
I would love to hear from you. Feel free to contact me personally. Your ideas and suggestions are important for making our district into a beautiful, welcoming and livable community and bringing our country into the future.
As the successor to Renate Künast, I would be grateful for your vote in the Federal Elections on February 23rd.